Sunday, March 26, 2006

Hair Moisturisers
To reverse the ravishing effects of sun & sea on your hair, try the following:

Aloe Vera
Remove the gelatinous substance found inside the leaf of a mature plant, mix with an ampoule of vitamin A and smear it on your hair, strand by strand. Leave for 20 minutes then wash as normal.

Remove the skin and stone of an avocado and mix with an egg white in the liquidiser together with a glass of water.
Apply to the hair and leave for 20 minutes. Wash as normal.

Dandruff Treatment
Mix one cup of vodka with two teaspoons of crushed rosemary leaves. Let it stand for 2 days, strain through a coffee filter.
Massage into the scalp and let dry.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Healing / Beauty tips from the kitchen garden

Skin Cleanser
Use fresh lemon peel & leaves tied up in a face cloth for a deep skin cleansing while taking a hot bath.

Lighten Age Spots
To lighten age spots on your hands, mix 1tsp of honey with 1tsp of plain yogurt thoroughly, then apply it to your hands, allow it to dry and finally wash off after 30 minutes. Use it once daily.

Bath vinegar
Push violet flower and 2 or 3 leaves into a bottle of grape vinegar. Leave in a warm place for 10 days, strain out the flowers and add fresh ones after 7 days. Use in bath as a beautiful skin softener.

Bath Scrub
Grate 1/2 cup of fine baby soap. Mix with 1 cup fresh lemon verbena leaves & 1 tablespoon of cloves. Tie in a face cloth or muslin cloth. Soak in the warm water, use as a scrub all over the body to soothe stiff, aching muscles. This is especially good for sore feet.
An alternative is to use bunches of fresh lavender leaves in the bath to soothe tired muscles.

Anti-wrinkle remedy
Mash 1/2 banana until you obtain a creamy texture. Spread over the face and allow to stand for 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water followed by a dash of cold.
Gently pat dry