This is a very versatile fruit. The Indians in California used the leaves to envelop the meat hours before cooking it as a meat tenderiser. This process turns the meat so tender that it practically flakes off its fibres.
This fruit aids digestion enormously, is diuretic and also acts as a natural laxative. Eaten first thing in the morning, acts against diabetes and asthma. It is also effective as a blood cleanser. In China the pulp is dried and used to reduce swelling in the feet.
Algumas dicas em Portugues sobre a papaia
Nas Antilhas prepara-se um xarope do sumo de papaia madura cozida com bastante acucar, no forno. este xarope e usado para tosse de tuberculosos em ultimo grau. Toam-se varias colheres por dia para este fim.
Este fruto maduro, esfregado sobre a pele tira as manchas e suaviza a cutis aspera eliminando tambem rugas.