Camomila (Matricaria recutita)
A camomila tem varios usos na medicina domestica, tais como:

- acalma tensao nervosa,
- ajuda a prevencao de nausea,
- acalma problemas digestivos, ulceras e inflamacoes,
- cha de camomila feito com sete flores para 1 chavena, promove um sono restaurador,
- usado em feridas e eczemas, o oleo e analgesico e ajuda com a restauracao das celulas
- para a sinosite, prepare um recipiente com agua a ferver e flores de camomila e respire os vapores.
Lemon Balm (Melissa Officinalis)
A great anti-stress herb, used in infusions, best as fresh leaves in the quantity of a third cup of leaves to a full cup of boiling water, cover and allow to infuse for 10 minutes before drinking.
Taken as is, is a very pleasant tea hot or as an iced tea, but if you prefer, add a little honey to

It calms one in times of stress and helps one to cope better.
It also assists with sleeping disorders caused by stress and anxiety.
It aids digestion by reducing stress blockages retained in the stomach area, relaxing stomach muscles so normal digestion may take its course.