For inflammations, catarrh and bronchitis, boil 5 or 6 large ripe figs cut in pieces, and the same amount of raisins in a litre of water.

Figs also help with kidney and liver ailments.
For dandruff, use dry figs, salt and vinegar in a food processor and apply to the scalp.
The liquid left from processing the figs, is good for skin marks on the face. Place a fig in vinegar and apply to age spots each morning until these disappear.
Prickly Pears // Figos da India
To combat asthma and other respiratory ailments, eat them roasted in the oven.

The juice is used for cough syrup by peeling a few pears taking care to avoid the thorns on the skin. Cut in slices and place in a dish, cover with sugar and allow to stand overnight. In the morning strain to remove the seeds and take in spoonfuls during the day.
As folhas dos figos da India cortam-se ao meio e cobrem-se com acucar, dao um bom xarope para a tosse.
Em casos de inflamacao ou inchacos pode aplicar-se directamente sobre as partes afetadas, uma folha cortada ao meio. Estas plantas, em decoccao, tem efeitos diureticos, aumentam a quantidade de urina, e como tambem aumentam a alcalinidade da mesma, sao uteis nos casos de inflamacao de bexiga e da uretra diminuindo a sensacao de ardor na cistite e uretrite.