This crystal is associated with the heart chakra and so can bring calm responses thus avoiding overreaction. It also enhances the feminine energies within the sacral and crown centres, receptivity, intuition, sensitivity, emotional balance and psychic abilities. On the physical level, it aids the pituitary gland function, hormonal conditions and menstrual problems.
As with other sacral stones, moonstones support new beginnings. As it is a stone of lunar energy, it is beneficial to the unsettled, insecure and the ones given to mood swings. Its energy brings with it, the understanding that what we yearn for, is often not what we really want. It balances desire levels bringing the wearer into a positive frame of mind. It may be used as a complementary stone draining lower energies from all the chakras.
It is also very beneficial for eye, hair and skin imbalances and is excellent in a detox programme or phase, as it cleanses through its antiseptic vibrations.
Being a fertility stone, it is excellent for stimulation and conception supporting the female hormone energies.
Algumas dicas para os Portugueses

A banana ajuda tambem com prisao de ventre pois contem muita fibra. Tambem e boa aliada contra ressacas, tomando um milkshake feito com banana, leite e adocado com mel. A banana acalma o estomago e com a ajuda do mel, aumenta os niveis de acucar no sangue enquanto o leite hidrata e alivia o sistema.
Este fruto tem efeitos antiacidos no corpo de maneira que se sofrer de azia coma uma banana para aliviar o estomago.
Comer bananas entre as refeicoes tambem ajuda contra os enjoos matinais pois este fruto mantem o nivel de acucar no sangue e assim evita os enjoos.
Se for atacado por mosquitos, use a parte de dentro da casca da banana para esfregar na pele, reduz o inchaco e irritacao na pele causados pelas mordidelas de mosquitos.
A banana acalma o sistema nervoso, devido ao seu alto teor de vitamina B.