Algumas dicas em Portugues...
Banho relaxante
Para cada chavena de ervas, adicione 2 chavenas de agua a ferver e deixe repousar por 15 minutos, coberto com uma tampa, depois adicione ao banho quente e deixe o seu corpo relaxar.
- Hortela pimenta
- Alfazema
- Alecrim
- Serpao de limao
A canela ha muito que e conhecida pelo seu auxilio digestivo, ajudando a aliviar o canal intestinal gastrico, mas recentemente ganhou fama devido a sua habilidade para ajudar a controlar o nivel de acucar no sangue. Activa a insulina , transporta glucose e impoe o metabolismo de glucose, consequentemente esta a ser divulgada para tratamentos de pessoas com diabetes tipo 2.
Para pequenas queimaduras
Aloes (Aloe Vera)
Aplique imediatamente o interior de uma folha de Aloe Vera na forma de gel, para reduzir a dor provocada pela queimadura, curar rapidamente e deixar um selo de proteccao sobre a pele contra infeccoes.
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Detox juices
Cucumber + Mint
In a liquidiser, mix 1 cucumber + a small bunch of mint leaves, juice of 1 lemon, 1 glass of mineral water or coconut milk, 1 prune (stone removed) or 5 raisins, serve immediately
In a liquidiser, mix 2 cabbage leaves, 1 carrot, juice of 1 orange, 1 teaspoon of honey or molasses + 1 glass of mineral water or coconut milk. Serve immediately.
Try the above juices as a detox, first thing in the morning in place of your breakfast, 3 times per week.
To clear the lungs
Ginger tea with green apple
Boil 1 litre of water with 2 tablespoons of grated ginger for 3 minutes. Allow to cool. Add honey if desired. When it is cold, strain, add the juice of 2 lemons and refrigerate. Just before serving, add one grated green apple.
Healing juices
Prepare in a juice extractor the following juices as required and remember to drink them immediately after extracting them.
To boost the immune system
2 apples, + 1 peeled orange + 1 small bunch of basil leaves and 1 whole lemon (skin included)
To relieve tension
1 carrot + 1 apple + 1/2 lettuce + 1 whole lemon (skin included)
To detoxify
1 carrot + 1 cucumber with skin + 1/2 raw beetroot + 1 cup of mint leaves and 1 whole lemon (skin included)
To aid digestion
1 cup diced pineapple + 1 carrot + 1 cup of mint leaves and 1 whole lemon (skin included).
Cucumber + Mint
In a liquidiser, mix 1 cucumber + a small bunch of mint leaves, juice of 1 lemon, 1 glass of mineral water or coconut milk, 1 prune (stone removed) or 5 raisins, serve immediately
In a liquidiser, mix 2 cabbage leaves, 1 carrot, juice of 1 orange, 1 teaspoon of honey or molasses + 1 glass of mineral water or coconut milk. Serve immediately.
Try the above juices as a detox, first thing in the morning in place of your breakfast, 3 times per week.
To clear the lungs
Ginger tea with green apple
Boil 1 litre of water with 2 tablespoons of grated ginger for 3 minutes. Allow to cool. Add honey if desired. When it is cold, strain, add the juice of 2 lemons and refrigerate. Just before serving, add one grated green apple.
Healing juices
Prepare in a juice extractor the following juices as required and remember to drink them immediately after extracting them.
To boost the immune system
2 apples, + 1 peeled orange + 1 small bunch of basil leaves and 1 whole lemon (skin included)
To relieve tension
1 carrot + 1 apple + 1/2 lettuce + 1 whole lemon (skin included)
To detoxify
1 carrot + 1 cucumber with skin + 1/2 raw beetroot + 1 cup of mint leaves and 1 whole lemon (skin included)
To aid digestion
1 cup diced pineapple + 1 carrot + 1 cup of mint leaves and 1 whole lemon (skin included).
Sunday, April 23, 2006
This is decidedly one of the most intense forms of pain one can come across.
If you have clove essential oil, take a piece of cotton wool, then apply some of the oil, and twist it into a small ball of wool which you then place in your mouth, next to the painful tooth / gum.
Use an infusion of fresh ginger by steeping about 3 slices of fresh ginger in a cup of boiling water and allowing to stand for 10 minutes. Ginger seems to have the effect of warming you from the toes up and thus reducing the pain and discomfort.
The fastest working home remedy is a cup of mint tea. Use 1/4 cup of fresh leaves to a cup of boiling water. Cover and steep for 10 minutes. For added effect, sweeten with a tablespoon of honey, another aid to digestion.
Ola , Portugueses
Ulceras na boca
Use 2 colheres de cha de folhas de silva (amoras) para 1 chavena de agua a ferver, cubra e deixe repousar por 10 minutos. Depois coe e use o liquido para lavar a boca.
Dores de dentes
coloque um cravinho da India entre o dente e a face e ao fim de uns minutos, o cravinho larga o oleo essencial suficiente para aliviar a dor.
Uma receita camponesa muito simples mas eficaz para combater a dor provocada pela artrite e a seguinte:
Aplique uma cataplasma de folhas de couve usando uma ou duas folhas exteriores, grandes, e passe-lhes por cima com o rolo da massa e de seguida aqueca no micro-ondas ou forno ou ate por cima de um aquecedor depois enrole a volta do local em dor e cubra com uma toalha, deixando descansar uns 15 minutos. Repita umas 3 vezes por dia.
This is decidedly one of the most intense forms of pain one can come across.
If you have clove essential oil, take a piece of cotton wool, then apply some of the oil, and twist it into a small ball of wool which you then place in your mouth, next to the painful tooth / gum.
Use an infusion of fresh ginger by steeping about 3 slices of fresh ginger in a cup of boiling water and allowing to stand for 10 minutes. Ginger seems to have the effect of warming you from the toes up and thus reducing the pain and discomfort.
The fastest working home remedy is a cup of mint tea. Use 1/4 cup of fresh leaves to a cup of boiling water. Cover and steep for 10 minutes. For added effect, sweeten with a tablespoon of honey, another aid to digestion.
Ola , Portugueses
Ulceras na boca
Use 2 colheres de cha de folhas de silva (amoras) para 1 chavena de agua a ferver, cubra e deixe repousar por 10 minutos. Depois coe e use o liquido para lavar a boca.
Dores de dentes
coloque um cravinho da India entre o dente e a face e ao fim de uns minutos, o cravinho larga o oleo essencial suficiente para aliviar a dor.
Uma receita camponesa muito simples mas eficaz para combater a dor provocada pela artrite e a seguinte:
Aplique uma cataplasma de folhas de couve usando uma ou duas folhas exteriores, grandes, e passe-lhes por cima com o rolo da massa e de seguida aqueca no micro-ondas ou forno ou ate por cima de um aquecedor depois enrole a volta do local em dor e cubra com uma toalha, deixando descansar uns 15 minutos. Repita umas 3 vezes por dia.
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Ginger Baths
Rheumatism and Arthritis sufferers can take comfort from the use of Ginger.
It is a proven anti-inflammatory and helps to ease painful joints and muscle tissue. Try a revitalizing ginger bath which also boosts circulation.
Cut a slice or two of fresh ginger, add to boiling water and steep for 10 minutes. Pour it into the bath water. Should you be using powdered ginger, add one or two tablespoons to your bath.
Bay Leaves
Add a sprig or two to your bath water to ease muscle aches. These leaves have astringent and antiseptic qualities. Soak fresh bay leaves in a litre of boiling water, allow to coolthen use as a facial rinse.
Lemon Balm
Use as a tea for colds and influenza, nervous tension, insomnia, indigestion and other stomach problems. t is a gentle restorer of balance and harmony.
Rose scented geraniums
Rub your furniture with handfuls of rose scented geranium leaves and fill the room with fragrance.
A cup of hot sage tea will quell a sore, dry throat.
Para os Portugueses...
Para limpar os rins e bexiga, use 500g de uvas pretas(sementes tambem) com uma fatia grande de melancia no liquidificador, a melancia e diuretica e assim beneficiara da limpeza das vias urinarias.
Sumo de limao
Tradicionalmente, o sumo de limao, agua quente e uma colher de cha de mel sao usados como cura de gripes, obesidade e prisao de ventre.
Raiz com poderosos efeitos sobre varias condicoes.
O cha feito com gengibre e uma boa forma de transpirar e eliminar uma febre causada por gripe e ajuda tambem a eliminar o catarro e a tosse.
Rheumatism and Arthritis sufferers can take comfort from the use of Ginger.
It is a proven anti-inflammatory and helps to ease painful joints and muscle tissue. Try a revitalizing ginger bath which also boosts circulation.
Cut a slice or two of fresh ginger, add to boiling water and steep for 10 minutes. Pour it into the bath water. Should you be using powdered ginger, add one or two tablespoons to your bath.
Bay Leaves
Add a sprig or two to your bath water to ease muscle aches. These leaves have astringent and antiseptic qualities. Soak fresh bay leaves in a litre of boiling water, allow to coolthen use as a facial rinse.
Lemon Balm
Use as a tea for colds and influenza, nervous tension, insomnia, indigestion and other stomach problems. t is a gentle restorer of balance and harmony.
Rose scented geraniums
Rub your furniture with handfuls of rose scented geranium leaves and fill the room with fragrance.
A cup of hot sage tea will quell a sore, dry throat.
Para os Portugueses...
Para limpar os rins e bexiga, use 500g de uvas pretas(sementes tambem) com uma fatia grande de melancia no liquidificador, a melancia e diuretica e assim beneficiara da limpeza das vias urinarias.
Sumo de limao
Tradicionalmente, o sumo de limao, agua quente e uma colher de cha de mel sao usados como cura de gripes, obesidade e prisao de ventre.
Raiz com poderosos efeitos sobre varias condicoes.
O cha feito com gengibre e uma boa forma de transpirar e eliminar uma febre causada por gripe e ajuda tambem a eliminar o catarro e a tosse.
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Bath Vinegar
Steep myrtle sprigs in white grape vinegar, leave in the sun for 2 weeks. During that time, strain out the old sprigs and replace with new ones at least twice. Add 1/2 cup to the bath, to soothe aching muscles and cool the body. Add 1/2 cup to a basin of cold water and soak the feet in it to take away cramps and ease sore, tired feet.
Crush together, a tablespoon of raisins and a tablespoon of ginger. Add to a cup of water and simmer for an hour or until a quarter of the liquid remains. Strain and drink warm, up to twice a day.
Stomach ache
Mix 2 ripe bananas and 250g of youghurt together and consume daily.
make a fine powder from 2g of oregano seeds, 2g of cumin seeds and 2g rock salt. Add the juice of 1/2 squeezed lemon and swallow with a glass of warm water.
Homemade vaporub
Melt 50g of petroleum jelly without overheating. When it turns liquid, add 2 drops each of peppermint essential oil, eucalyptus oil and pine or camphor oil. Pour the mixture back into the jar and seal once it has reached room temperature. Use after it sets, as a chest and back rub for coughs and bronchitis.
Oi Portugueses, aqui vao mais umas dicas
Para pequenas queimaduras
Colgate - Pasta dentifrica
Ao queimar, use um pouco de pasta colgate na pele logo de seguida e deixe secar e ficar na pele por varias horas para nao formar bolhas e assim curar rapidamente.
A pasta proteje a pele contra o oxigenio e reduz a dor de imediato, prevenindo contra a formacao de liquido por baixo da pele.
Baratas e ratos detestam alfazema. Esfregue esta erva nas portas e janelas e ver-se-a livre deles.
Xarope para a tosse (pode tambem ser usado para criancas)
Folhas de salva cortadas com a mesma quantidade de mel e sumo de limao, fazem um bom xarope para a tosse.
Camomila para cabelos claros
Ferva 1/2 chavena de flores de camomila em 2 litros de agua por 15 minutos. Coe. Use como a lavagem final dos cabelos e seque o cabelo ao sol.
E pronto, por hoje e tudo, se tiver alguns comentarios sobre o meu blog, envie e assim poderei melhorar o seu conteudo.
Steep myrtle sprigs in white grape vinegar, leave in the sun for 2 weeks. During that time, strain out the old sprigs and replace with new ones at least twice. Add 1/2 cup to the bath, to soothe aching muscles and cool the body. Add 1/2 cup to a basin of cold water and soak the feet in it to take away cramps and ease sore, tired feet.
Crush together, a tablespoon of raisins and a tablespoon of ginger. Add to a cup of water and simmer for an hour or until a quarter of the liquid remains. Strain and drink warm, up to twice a day.
Stomach ache
Mix 2 ripe bananas and 250g of youghurt together and consume daily.
make a fine powder from 2g of oregano seeds, 2g of cumin seeds and 2g rock salt. Add the juice of 1/2 squeezed lemon and swallow with a glass of warm water.
Homemade vaporub
Melt 50g of petroleum jelly without overheating. When it turns liquid, add 2 drops each of peppermint essential oil, eucalyptus oil and pine or camphor oil. Pour the mixture back into the jar and seal once it has reached room temperature. Use after it sets, as a chest and back rub for coughs and bronchitis.
Oi Portugueses, aqui vao mais umas dicas
Para pequenas queimaduras
Colgate - Pasta dentifrica
Ao queimar, use um pouco de pasta colgate na pele logo de seguida e deixe secar e ficar na pele por varias horas para nao formar bolhas e assim curar rapidamente.
A pasta proteje a pele contra o oxigenio e reduz a dor de imediato, prevenindo contra a formacao de liquido por baixo da pele.
Baratas e ratos detestam alfazema. Esfregue esta erva nas portas e janelas e ver-se-a livre deles.
Xarope para a tosse (pode tambem ser usado para criancas)
Folhas de salva cortadas com a mesma quantidade de mel e sumo de limao, fazem um bom xarope para a tosse.
Camomila para cabelos claros
Ferva 1/2 chavena de flores de camomila em 2 litros de agua por 15 minutos. Coe. Use como a lavagem final dos cabelos e seque o cabelo ao sol.
E pronto, por hoje e tudo, se tiver alguns comentarios sobre o meu blog, envie e assim poderei melhorar o seu conteudo.
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Hair Growth
Rosemary / Chamomile
For dark hair, it is best to use rosemary and for fair hair, use chamomile.
Add 2 drops of the essential oil for your hair type, as listed above, either to the rinse water or to a carrier oil, then massage into the scalp. Wrap your hair at the top of your head, cover with cligfilm and then with a towel, turban style. Leave it for 20 minutes then wash the hair as normal.
There is no short term relief here, so aim instead for long term benefits.
Mix together 2 drops each of the following oils: Juniper, Fennel and Rosemary and either add to your bath water or to a carrier oil and massage well into the affected areas.
In all instances with aromatherapy oils, do not use on small children or if you are pregnant.
Aromatherapy oils can be especially beneficial here: Use lavender, bergamot and tea tree , 2 drops of each in the bath water, then use your face cloth by immersing it in the water, then applying it to the face as a compress.
Use fennel tea to flush out all those winter toxins from the body. It is a natural detoxifier. 1/2 cup fresh leaves to 1 cup boiling water, cover and let it stand for 10 minutes. Strain and sip slowly.
Para os Portugueses....
Dores de garganta?
Use 1/4 de chavena de vinagre de maca com 1/4 chavena de mel puro e agite bem ate estar bem diluido.
Use 1 colher de sopa seis vezes por dia. O vinagre destroi a bacteria e o mel suaviza a garganta.
Recuperacao de uma doenca
Se foi operado recentemente, ou esta em processo de recuperacao, saiba que o stress pode atrasar este estado pelo dobro do tempo. Se esta com stress, as suas veias tornam-se mais estreitas, o que reduz a passagem de oxigenio para os tecidos lesionados e as feridas necessitam de oxigenio para se curarem.
Por isso, se esta em recuperacao, deve relaxar o bastante, use meditacao e deve tambem ajudar o processo com a sua alimentacao, incluindo gengibre e malaguetas (piri-piri) na sua rotina alimentar pois estes dois produtos naturais ajudam a acelerar a circulacao.
Para dar energia
10 amendoas sem pele e trituradas
1/2 chavena de sementes de girassol
1 chavena de sumo de pessego
1 banana
Mexa tudo junto num liquidificador e beba aos poucos.
Rosemary / Chamomile
For dark hair, it is best to use rosemary and for fair hair, use chamomile.
Add 2 drops of the essential oil for your hair type, as listed above, either to the rinse water or to a carrier oil, then massage into the scalp. Wrap your hair at the top of your head, cover with cligfilm and then with a towel, turban style. Leave it for 20 minutes then wash the hair as normal.
There is no short term relief here, so aim instead for long term benefits.
Mix together 2 drops each of the following oils: Juniper, Fennel and Rosemary and either add to your bath water or to a carrier oil and massage well into the affected areas.
In all instances with aromatherapy oils, do not use on small children or if you are pregnant.
Aromatherapy oils can be especially beneficial here: Use lavender, bergamot and tea tree , 2 drops of each in the bath water, then use your face cloth by immersing it in the water, then applying it to the face as a compress.
Use fennel tea to flush out all those winter toxins from the body. It is a natural detoxifier. 1/2 cup fresh leaves to 1 cup boiling water, cover and let it stand for 10 minutes. Strain and sip slowly.
Para os Portugueses....
Dores de garganta?
Use 1/4 de chavena de vinagre de maca com 1/4 chavena de mel puro e agite bem ate estar bem diluido.
Use 1 colher de sopa seis vezes por dia. O vinagre destroi a bacteria e o mel suaviza a garganta.
Recuperacao de uma doenca
Se foi operado recentemente, ou esta em processo de recuperacao, saiba que o stress pode atrasar este estado pelo dobro do tempo. Se esta com stress, as suas veias tornam-se mais estreitas, o que reduz a passagem de oxigenio para os tecidos lesionados e as feridas necessitam de oxigenio para se curarem.
Por isso, se esta em recuperacao, deve relaxar o bastante, use meditacao e deve tambem ajudar o processo com a sua alimentacao, incluindo gengibre e malaguetas (piri-piri) na sua rotina alimentar pois estes dois produtos naturais ajudam a acelerar a circulacao.
Para dar energia
10 amendoas sem pele e trituradas
1/2 chavena de sementes de girassol
1 chavena de sumo de pessego
1 banana
Mexa tudo junto num liquidificador e beba aos poucos.
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Juices are good for you
In a liquidiser, mix the following:
Guava, tomato, 1 glass of water and 1 tablespoon of honey.
Drink on an empty stomach, preferably in the morning.
To fight acne
In a juice extractor, add 3 leaves of cabbage, 1/2 cup of fresh parsley leaves and 1/2 apple. Drink immediately.
To slow down the ageing process
Liquidise 200g of papaya, add 1 teaspoon of pollen, 4 teaspoons ginseng and drink in the morning, 3 times per week.
To rebuild lost stamina
In a juice extractor, add the juice of two oranges to 1 large apple and 1/2 lemon and drink first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.
Dicas em Portugues (oi pessoal, tudo bem?)
Para combater o stress, eis a ALFAZEMA
Um cha feito com as folhas e flores de alfazema produz um excelente tonico para os nervos e um agradavel cha depois de um dia desgastante. Deite agua a ferver sobre as folhas e flores e deixe repousar por uns 10 minutos. Beba ao natural ou com uma colher de mel se assim preferir.
Para se concentrar melhor
Para o ajudar a concentrar, basta aplicar uma gota de oleo essencial de alfazema nos pulsos, nas palmas das maos e por tras do pescoco e respirar fundo, sentira assim o beneficio da magia da alfazema.
Para as dores de corpo
A alfazema ajuda a combater inflamacoes. Num banho quente, adicione 2 gotas de oleo essencial de alfazema e 2 gotas de oleo de camomila romana se a dor for muito intensa. O oleo pode tambem ser usado como antiseptico especialmente para picadas de insectos. Junte 2 gotas de oleo de alfazema a 1 colher de cha de azeite e aplique directamente na zona afectada.
E pronto por hoje e tudo.
Um grande Xi
In a liquidiser, mix the following:
Guava, tomato, 1 glass of water and 1 tablespoon of honey.
Drink on an empty stomach, preferably in the morning.
To fight acne
In a juice extractor, add 3 leaves of cabbage, 1/2 cup of fresh parsley leaves and 1/2 apple. Drink immediately.
To slow down the ageing process
Liquidise 200g of papaya, add 1 teaspoon of pollen, 4 teaspoons ginseng and drink in the morning, 3 times per week.
To rebuild lost stamina
In a juice extractor, add the juice of two oranges to 1 large apple and 1/2 lemon and drink first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.
Dicas em Portugues (oi pessoal, tudo bem?)
Para combater o stress, eis a ALFAZEMA
Um cha feito com as folhas e flores de alfazema produz um excelente tonico para os nervos e um agradavel cha depois de um dia desgastante. Deite agua a ferver sobre as folhas e flores e deixe repousar por uns 10 minutos. Beba ao natural ou com uma colher de mel se assim preferir.
Para se concentrar melhor
Para o ajudar a concentrar, basta aplicar uma gota de oleo essencial de alfazema nos pulsos, nas palmas das maos e por tras do pescoco e respirar fundo, sentira assim o beneficio da magia da alfazema.
Para as dores de corpo
A alfazema ajuda a combater inflamacoes. Num banho quente, adicione 2 gotas de oleo essencial de alfazema e 2 gotas de oleo de camomila romana se a dor for muito intensa. O oleo pode tambem ser usado como antiseptico especialmente para picadas de insectos. Junte 2 gotas de oleo de alfazema a 1 colher de cha de azeite e aplique directamente na zona afectada.
E pronto por hoje e tudo.
Um grande Xi
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Um grande abraco para os Portugueses e aqui vao algumas dicas
Para as afeccoes da bexiga/ rins
Espargos brancos
Para ajudar a limpar efectivamente os rins e bexiga, deve comer espargos brancos enlatados pois fazem efeito mais rapido do que os frescos. Uma lata por semana sera o suficiente para manter os rins em boa forma.
O sumo de ananas extraido numa cetrifugadora tambem sera uma boa dica para infeccoes da bexiga.
Voltarei amanha com mais dicas
Kidney and Bladder infections
Cornhair /Beard
Place a loose handful of cornhair (the hair found around the corn just under the outer skin) in a teapot and fill with boiling water, cover and allow to stand for at least ten minutes then strain and drink as is, without any sugar, preferably on an empty stomach.
Cherry stalks and roots of strawberry bushes
Make an infusion as above using about 1/2 cup of stalks and roots.
All the above may be used fresh or in dried form.
When drying herbs or roots, place them loosely on a tray and leave in a dark, well ventilated, dry place until dried.
Para as afeccoes da bexiga/ rins
Espargos brancos
Para ajudar a limpar efectivamente os rins e bexiga, deve comer espargos brancos enlatados pois fazem efeito mais rapido do que os frescos. Uma lata por semana sera o suficiente para manter os rins em boa forma.
O sumo de ananas extraido numa cetrifugadora tambem sera uma boa dica para infeccoes da bexiga.
Voltarei amanha com mais dicas
Kidney and Bladder infections
Cornhair /Beard
Place a loose handful of cornhair (the hair found around the corn just under the outer skin) in a teapot and fill with boiling water, cover and allow to stand for at least ten minutes then strain and drink as is, without any sugar, preferably on an empty stomach.
Cherry stalks and roots of strawberry bushes
Make an infusion as above using about 1/2 cup of stalks and roots.
All the above may be used fresh or in dried form.
When drying herbs or roots, place them loosely on a tray and leave in a dark, well ventilated, dry place until dried.
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Energy Boost
Are you affected by the dreaded midday lethargy?
Most people suffer from a decline in energy levels in the early afternoon. To combat this, try a refreshing natural energy drink that will boost your energy in no time at all.
Blend together 2 unpeeled carrots, one cored and peeled apple, one peeled kiwi fruit and a handful of parsley.
It's instant energy in a glass!
Lavender Oil
Lavender has been used for thousands of years in a myriad of ways. Here are a few tips using the oil of this delightful herb.
- Gently dab the oil on minor burns. It will help prevent scar formation and promote healing.
- Add a few drops of the oil to your bath water to wash away anxiety & depression.
- Add a few drops to a bowl of water & inhale the fumes to ward off a cold, sinusitis & to kickstart your immune system.
- Stop a headache in its tracks by massaging a couple of drops of the oil onto your temples.
Are you affected by the dreaded midday lethargy?
Most people suffer from a decline in energy levels in the early afternoon. To combat this, try a refreshing natural energy drink that will boost your energy in no time at all.
Blend together 2 unpeeled carrots, one cored and peeled apple, one peeled kiwi fruit and a handful of parsley.
It's instant energy in a glass!
Lavender Oil
Lavender has been used for thousands of years in a myriad of ways. Here are a few tips using the oil of this delightful herb.
- Gently dab the oil on minor burns. It will help prevent scar formation and promote healing.
- Add a few drops of the oil to your bath water to wash away anxiety & depression.
- Add a few drops to a bowl of water & inhale the fumes to ward off a cold, sinusitis & to kickstart your immune system.
- Stop a headache in its tracks by massaging a couple of drops of the oil onto your temples.
Saturday, April 01, 2006
Ginger, the healing root
How to make Ginger drinks
For a cup of tea:
Grate a tbsp of fresh peeled ginger into a cup. Cover with boiling water & allow to steep for 10 minutes, thereafter add 1 tsp of honey and lemon to taste, if desired.
For a pot of tea:
Cut 3 slices of unpeeled fresh ginger & pop them into a teapot, cover with boiling water & leave for 10 minutes before drinking.
Ginger juice:
Scrape the skin of a 3-4 cm section of fresh ginger, chop into pieces & blend in an electric blender with a glass of cold water. Strain & drink.
For stomach aches, indigestion, flatulence, heartburn and menstrual cramps, a cup of ginger tea will provide relief. It increases your digestive juices which absorb & eliminate toxins, decreasing stomach acidity.
For morning sickness, drink ginger juice or tea first thing in the morning.
At the first sign of a sore throat, headache, sinusitis, running nose, colds or flu, drink a few cups of ginger tea, as it fights bacteria infections.
How to make Ginger drinks
For a cup of tea:
Grate a tbsp of fresh peeled ginger into a cup. Cover with boiling water & allow to steep for 10 minutes, thereafter add 1 tsp of honey and lemon to taste, if desired.
For a pot of tea:
Cut 3 slices of unpeeled fresh ginger & pop them into a teapot, cover with boiling water & leave for 10 minutes before drinking.
Ginger juice:
Scrape the skin of a 3-4 cm section of fresh ginger, chop into pieces & blend in an electric blender with a glass of cold water. Strain & drink.
For stomach aches, indigestion, flatulence, heartburn and menstrual cramps, a cup of ginger tea will provide relief. It increases your digestive juices which absorb & eliminate toxins, decreasing stomach acidity.
For morning sickness, drink ginger juice or tea first thing in the morning.
At the first sign of a sore throat, headache, sinusitis, running nose, colds or flu, drink a few cups of ginger tea, as it fights bacteria infections.
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