This crystal aids emotional balance, and also for
soothing and expressing your emotions. The colour
of unconditional love, good to use in radiation

areas such as next to computers and microwaves. Use on dressing tables, it calms, soothes and brings one to a serene love state.
It supports love involving others as well as self-love. It balances the emotional and physical bodies by healing past wounds. For anxiety, use directly over the area of the heart.
For a good tonic to drink, combine rose quartz, amethyst and clear quartz in charged water leave to stand for 24 hours.
Os cristais apresentam uma grande variedade de tamanhos, cores e feitios. Todos os cristais sao organismos vivos, fazem parte dos minerais e crescem na natureza.
Os cristais vibram com a sua propria frequencia e esta mesma frequencia determina qual cristal ira escolher em certa epoca da sua vida. Os gostos mudam de acordo com diferentes circunstancias da sua jornada.
Para limpar o chakra do coracao e melhorar a interacao dos outros chakras, use o quartzo rosa, que abre o chakra do coracao para dar e receber o amor incondicional. Este cristal e bom para resolver problemas a nivel emocional.
Used in curries to give them their yellow colour, it is also used in Hindu culture to paint their faces to give them an added glow.

It has also been known to reduce colon cancer cell growth and to suppress tumour growth.
As turmeric has similar anti-inflammatory properties to ginger, it is helpful for osteoarthritis and has thus pain-killing effects, it can also help sufferers of rheumatoid arthritis.