Sunday, May 28, 2006

Rose Quartz
This crystal aids emotional balance, and also for
soothing and expressing your emotions. The colour
of unconditional love, good to use in radiation
areas such as next to computers and microwaves. Use on dressing tables, it calms, soothes and brings one to a serene love state.

It supports love involving others as well as self-love. It balances the emotional and physical bodies by healing past wounds. For anxiety, use directly over the area of the heart.

For a good tonic to drink, combine rose quartz, amethyst and clear quartz in charged water leave to stand for 24 hours.


Os cristais apresentam uma grande variedade de tamanhos, cores e feitios. Todos os cristais sao organismos vivos, fazem parte dos minerais e crescem na natureza.

Os cristais vibram com a sua propria frequencia e esta mesma frequencia determina qual cristal ira escolher em certa epoca da sua vida. Os gostos mudam de acordo com diferentes circunstancias da sua jornada.

Para limpar o chakra do coracao e melhorar a interacao dos outros chakras, use o quartzo rosa, que abre o chakra do coracao para dar e receber o amor incondicional. Este cristal e bom para resolver problemas a nivel emocional.

Used in curries to give them their yellow colour, it is also used in Hindu culture to paint their faces to give them an added glow.
Turmeric is known to support liver function and help keep bile soluble which can aid in preventing and treating gall stones.

It has also been known to reduce colon cancer cell growth and to suppress tumour growth.

As turmeric has similar anti-inflammatory properties to ginger, it is helpful for osteoarthritis and has thus pain-killing effects, it can also help sufferers of rheumatoid arthritis.

Saturday, May 27, 2006


Apples are blood cleansers. Apple cures help to eliminate gout and rheumatism. This fruit, whether raw or roasted, helps with tuberculosis, bronchitis and asthma, thanks to its high iron content.

Apple broth cures lung catahrr. In general, apples help with respiratory tract infections.
Hot boiled or roasted apples are also a powerful ally against hoarse throats.

To cure eye inflammations, wash them twice a day with cotton wool dabbed in bitter apple juice.
For this purpose you may also use a poultice made with grated apples over closed eyelids for an hour.

Para os Portugueses..
A maca assada e excelente para fortalecer o cerebro, bem como para combater a pneumonia, a bronquite e as tosses rebeldes, casos em que se come todos os dias em jejum pela manha.

Contra a rouquidao e as gripes, recheia-se a maca com mel de abelhas.

A cura de maca sera capaz de vencer os desarranjos do aparelho digestivo, purifica o organismo, desinfeta e cura sem prejudicar.

Monday, May 22, 2006


Lemon juice mixed with water & sugar gives us a refreshing
drink, the lemonade, so popular in warmer climates.
Lemonades are refreshing, stimulate the kidneys, clean the intestines and
are extraordinarily good for the liver, also recommended for gout and
bladder conditions.
The fruit may also be applied to ulcers and seriously infected wounds.

O limao e riquissimo em acido citrico e tambem um antiseptico seguro contra a fermentacao do estomago e intestinos.
Destroi os microbios e cria um ambiente invulneravel aos germes. Ajuda tambem a combater as gripes devido ao seu grande teor de vitamina C.

O limao e util em casos de reumatismo, escorbuto e hipertensao arterial. Possui propriedades antidiarreticas, antifebris e antisepticas.

Blue Crystals

Blue Celestite is one of the expansive crystals and one of its properties, is that it restores the faith in yourself, giving you the
confidence to move forward, showing you new ways for you to reach your objectives.

Hold a blue celestite crystal in your dominant hand whilst meditating and absorb its healing energy and guidance.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

In days gone by, honey was consumed as a promoter of longevity.
Pythagoras was an avid fan of honey and lived to the age of ninety, the ancient Romans sweetened everything with honey even their wine. They loved honeyed wine.
With the invention of cane sugar, the consumption of honey as a daily foodstuff, declined considerably to man's own detriment as the benefits offered by honey are by far superior to those of cane sugar.

Some of its benefits are listed hereunder:

- It is a natural detergent on the skin and healing wounds.
- It is diuretic, laxative, relaxant, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, liver conditions, intestinal problems, ulcers, infectious disease, chest remedy, cleans the blood and a good tonic for the brain.
- It is a powerful sedative for the system and promotes a restful sleep.
- A hot compress of honey has good results with abcesses, boils and tumours.
- A mixture of honey with clay and grated onion, is a remedy without rival for tumours.
- Ulcers and wounds benefit from compresses of honey with flour.

E para os Portugueses aqui vao umas dicas sobre o mel para adicionar as que estao mencionadas acima:
- O mel e uma fonte de potassio e por este motivo as bacterias nao resistem na sua presenca assim ajudando nas infeccoes
- Em casos de inflamacao dos musculos do coracao, nas doencas febris, como a difteria, o mel age com eficiencia.
- O mel e um poderoso suprimento para o coracao sadio e da forcas ao coracao doente, e tem accao benefica em caso de hipertensao arterial.
- Em caso de dispepsia, o mel auxilia a digestao.
- O mel e fortificante, laxante, digestivo e de facil digestao para os estomagos fracos e nao prejudica os dentes.
- A bronquite, a asma e a rouquidao encontram no mel um remedio excelente.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Cherries and their medicinal uses

Cherries are well known for their action in neutralising the acid in the system. Eating about a kilo of cherries exclusively, will transform uric acid radically and eliminate it from the urine.

This fruit is also indicated for treatment of rheumatism, gout and arthritis, also showing good results with liver conditions, and intestinal problems.

Bitter cherries are adstringent, whereas the sweet ones are laxative.

a cherry decoction made by bruising the cherries with their pips and cooking them in water, then straining and drinking several cups a day, will eliminate kidney and bladder stones.

Black cherries are especially effective against anaemia.

An infusion made with the stalks of cherries is very effective in the treatment of cystitis, and other bladder infections, drink several cups of this tea a day until the condition subsides.

Varios usos para os seus Cristais

Nao descuidando a limpeza e energizacao dos seus cristais, aqui seguem algumas dicas para usa-los

Em banhos de imersao

Escolha os cristais de acordo com suas propriedades, e coloque na banheira, depois e so relaxar e banhe-se durante o tempo que desejar.

Uso pessoal

Escolha um cristal pequeno coloque-o em uma saquinha de veludo e traga-o sempre consigo nao descuidando da sua limpeza e energizacao.

Energizacao de plantas

Coloque o cristal junto da raiz da planta a ser energizada, nao sendo necessario enterra-lo para este efeito.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Para dores de cabeca

Misture 1 colher de cha de cada um :
Cravinho moido
Canela moida
amendoa moida
misture com um pouco de agua de forma a formar uma pasta consistente. Com as pontas dos dedos, passe esta pasta na testa. Quando a pasta secar, deixe por mais 15 minutos e depois lave com agua morna.

Outra receita para o mesmo efeito e aplicada da mesma forma e a seguinte:
Misture 1/4 colher de cha de cravinho moido com 1 colher de cha de oleo essencial de canela. Aplique na parte da cabeca onde a dor esta localizada.

For colds and coughs:

- In a 1/2 cup of warm water, mix 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of honey. Drink several times a day.

- Mix a teaspoon of grated ginger and half a teaspoon of honey. Add a teaspoon of warm water and ingest three times a day.

For earache
Put three drops of clove oil in the affected ear.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Healing with Crystals

Amethysts, being transformational crystals, purify the physical and subtle bodies and thus amplify healing and spiritual energies.

They break down blocked energies that may be the cause of pain and are especially effective with headaches. They relieve tension and stress , aiding in a more restful sleep.

Devido ao seu conteudo em magnesio, potassio e sodio, a ameixa e laxativa e recomenda-se contra a prisao de ventre:
Colocam-se umas 15 ameixas de molho a noite, e de manha, comem-se as ameixas e bebe-se o caldo delas.

A ameixa fresca e tambem eficaz contra as hemorroidas e a hipocondria.
Diuretica, recomenda-se para as afeccoes inflamatorias das vias urinarias.

Sao ainda depurativas do sangue, actuando no figado, e desintoxicantes do aparelho digestivo.

This fruit may be used in various ways as a home remedy, such as:
For bronchitis, cut in slices, set them on a dish, then spoon honey over them and simmer. After it cools completely, take the syrup and place in a sealed container. Take three of four tablespoons of syrup a day.

The juice of a pineapple also helps with sore throats, assists with digestion, constipation and heals intestinal fevers, bladder and prostate problems and arthritis conditions.