Apples are blood cleansers. Apple cures help to eliminate gout and rheumatism. This fruit, whether raw or roasted, helps with tuberculosis, bronchitis and asthma, thanks to its high iron content.
Apple broth cures lung catahrr. In general, apples help with respiratory tract infections.
Hot boiled or roasted apples are also a powerful ally against hoarse throats.
To cure eye inflammations, wash them twice a day with cotton wool dabbed in bitter apple juice.
For this purpose you may also use a poultice made with grated apples over closed eyelids for an hour.
Para os Portugueses..
A maca assada e excelente para fortalecer o cerebro, bem como para combater a pneumonia, a bronquite e as tosses rebeldes, casos em que se come todos os dias em jejum pela manha.
Contra a rouquidao e as gripes, recheia-se a maca com mel de abelhas.
A cura de maca sera capaz de vencer os desarranjos do aparelho digestivo, purifica o organismo, desinfeta e cura sem prejudicar.