Lemon juice mixed with water & sugar gives us a refreshing
drink, the lemonade, so popular in warmer climates.
Lemonades are refreshing, stimulate the kidneys, clean the intestines and
are extraordinarily good for the liver, also recommended

bladder conditions.
The fruit may also be applied to ulcers and seriously infected wounds.
O limao e riquissimo em acido citrico e tambem um antiseptico seguro contra a fermentacao do estomago e intestinos.
Destroi os microbios e cria um ambiente invulneravel aos germes. Ajuda tambem a combater as gripes devido ao seu grande teor de vitamina C.
O limao e util em casos de reumatismo, escorbuto e hipertensao arterial. Possui propriedades antidiarreticas, antifebris e antisepticas.
Blue Crystals

Blue Celestite is one of the expansive crystals and one of its properties, is that it restores the faith in yourself, giving you the
confidence to move forward, showing you new ways for you to reach your objectives.
Hold a blue celestite crystal in your dominant hand whilst meditating and absorb its healing energy and guidance.