Cherries and their medicinal uses
Cherries are well known for their action in neutralising the acid in the system. Eating about a kilo of cherries exclusively, will transform uric acid radically and eliminate it from the urine.
This fruit is also indicated for treatment of rheumatism, gout and arthritis, also showing good results with liver conditions, and intestinal problems.
Bitter cherries are adstringent, whereas the sweet ones are laxative.
a cherry decoction made by bruising the cherries with their pips and cooking them in water, then straining and drinking several cups a day, will eliminate kidney and bladder stones.
Black cherries are especially effective against anaemia.
An infusion made with the stalks of cherries is very effective in the treatment of cystitis, and other bladder infections, drink several cups of this tea a day until the condition subsides.
Varios usos para os seus Cristais
Nao descuidando a limpeza e energizacao dos seus cristais, aqui seguem algumas dicas para usa-los
Em banhos de imersao
Escolha os cristais de acordo com suas propriedades, e coloque na banheira, depois e so relaxar e banhe-se durante o tempo que desejar.
Uso pessoal
Escolha um cristal pequeno coloque-o em uma saquinha de veludo e traga-o sempre consigo nao descuidando da sua limpeza e energizacao.
Energizacao de plantas
Coloque o cristal junto da raiz da planta a ser energizada, nao sendo necessario enterra-lo para este efeito.