In days gone by, honey was consumed as a promoter of longevity.
Pythagoras was an avid fan of honey and lived to the age of ninety, the ancient Romans sweetened everything with honey even their wine. They loved honeyed wine.
With the invention of cane sugar, the consumption of honey as a daily foodstuff, declined considerably to man's own detriment as the benefits offered by honey are by far superior to those of cane sugar.
Some of its benefits are listed hereunder:
- It is a natural detergent on the skin and healing wounds.
- It is diuretic, laxative, relaxant, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, liver conditions, intestinal problems, ulcers, infectious disease, chest remedy, cleans the blood and a good tonic for the brain.
- It is a powerful sedative for the system and promotes a restful sleep.
- A hot compress of honey has good results with abcesses, boils and tumours.
- A mixture of honey with clay and grated onion, is a remedy without rival for tumours.
- Ulcers and wounds benefit from compresses of honey with flour.
E para os Portugueses aqui vao umas dicas sobre o mel para adicionar as que estao mencionadas acima:
- O mel e uma fonte de potassio e por este motivo as bacterias nao resistem na sua presenca assim ajudando nas infeccoes
- Em casos de inflamacao dos musculos do coracao, nas doencas febris, como a difteria, o mel age com eficiencia.
- O mel e um poderoso suprimento para o coracao sadio e da forcas ao coracao doente, e tem accao benefica em caso de hipertensao arterial.
- Em caso de dispepsia, o mel auxilia a digestao.
- O mel e fortificante, laxante, digestivo e de facil digestao para os estomagos fracos e nao prejudica os dentes.
- A bronquite, a asma e a rouquidao encontram no mel um remedio excelente.