Saturday, August 26, 2006

Apples to reduce fever
Grate an apple finely then spread it 0.5 inch thick on a mall piece of double layered cheesecloth
about 6 inches in length.

Apply this over the forehead to reduce fever. you can make a similar poultice for the throat and chest area if required. Allow to stand for one hour.

Para inflamacao dos pes (pe de atleta)
30 dentes de alho
4 colheres de cha de canela moida
4 colheres de cha de cravinhos moidos
150ml vodka

Junte o alho com canela, e cravinhos a vodka num frasco de cor escura com tampa. feche bem e guarde num armario onde nao penetre a luz do sol. por duas semanas. e agitando o conteudo de dois em dois dias. Esta tintura estara pronta para usar ao fim de 14 dias.

Use num pouco de algodao ou num pano e passe esta tintura na sola do pe inteira e tambem entre os dedos dos pes. Use duas vezes por dia. Deixe secar. Se por acaso os sintomas continuarem ao fim de duas semanas, consulte o medico.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

The Hangover cure bath
Citrus fruits can help you feel human again after a hangover strikes.
Use 3 lemons or 1 large grapefruit

Slice the lemons or grapefruit and steep the slices of fruit in a bowl of hot water and then add this water to your bath.

you may also add the zest of lemons or grapefruit to your bath water.

Another quick way to cure a hangover is by making a banana milkshake sweetened with honey. The banana calms the stomach, and with the help of the honey, builds up depleted blood sugar levels, while the milk soothes and re-hydrates your system.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

This herb is excellent for any digestive disorders as the menthol in it stimulates the digestive juices.
Sip a cup of this aromatic tea made with 1/4 cup of fresh leaves to a cup of boiling water, cover and allow to stand for 10 minutes. This tea is good in cases of flatulence, colitis, indigestion and diarrhoea. Also good for nausea, it acts as a mild anaesthetic on the stomach wall, helping with the queasy feeling.

Mint is also an effective anti-spasmodic for period pains, irritable bowel syndrome and stomach cramps.

You may also try a combination of almond oil with 2 drops of peppermint oil and rub over your stomach in circular motion. This is also good for painful joints.

To relieve nasal, chest and sinus congestion, try peppermint oil as an inhalant. Place a drop of the oil at the base of your nose or on your upper lip to clear a stuffy nose. Alternatively, put a few drops into a basin of hot water , stand over it, covering your head with a towel in a tent fashion and inhale the menthol vapour. For stubborn coughs, rub a drop of peppermint oil directly onto your throat.

When suffering from cold sores, dab a drop of the oil on the affected area and the antiviral effect should clear it up in no time.

For headaches and migraines, rub a drop of peppermint oil on each temple if the headache is at the front of the head and at the base of the skull if the headache is at the back of the neck.

This oil can also be used as a pain reliever for toothaches. Mix a bit of the oil with olive oil, rub a piece of cotton wool in it and hold it next to the aching tooth.

Add a few drops of peppermint oil to your bath water for a circulation boost.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Soothe roughened skin
After the dry season, your elbows, knees and feet could do with extra care.
Use a pumice stone in a circular motion to get rid of the layers of dead skin. Afterwards, apply a massage of rosemary oil.

you may also apply a mixture of camomile to which you've added a few drops of orange oil, this is also used as a cuticle remover.

For a moisturising skin milk use 50g of cucumber juice, 50 teaspoons of water and 50 teaspoons of skimmed milk. Keep in a glass bottle, in the refrigerator and shake well before use.
Algumas dicas com eucalipto, para os Portugueses

A parte usada com frequencia sao as folhas. Seque-as e conserve em frascos de vidro.
Bronquite e asma
Junte folhas de eucalipto, farfaro e tomilho em partes iguais. Use duas colherinhas em 2.5 colheres de cha de agua, deixe repousar durante 15 minutos, filtre e beba em pequenos goles durante o dia.

Vias respiratorias
Ferva uma mao cheia de folhas de eucalipto em um litro de agua durante 5 minutos. Junte este preparado ao banho quente. Os vapores que se desprendem ajudam a fazer a desobstrucao das vias respiratorias.

Infeccoes da boca e mau halito
Ferva 15g de folhas de eucalipto num litro de agua durante 3 minutos, filtre e conserve num frasco de vidro. bocheche com este liquido 4 vezes ao dia.

Aplique uma infusao de folhas de eucalipto na ultima passagem de enxaguamento e o seu cabelo ficara com um brilho espectacular.

Inale 3 vezes ao dia uma infusao de 5g de eucalipto num litro de agua a qual se acrescentam 5 gotas de oleo essencial de eucalipto.