Saturday, May 19, 2007

Peppermint Tea
An infusion of fresh Peppermint helps with stomach cramps, inhibits the growth of certain bacteria and can also help relax muscles when inhaled as well as freshening the breath.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Juicing for health
For sluggish kidneys
In a juice extractor, prepare the juice of a fresh pineapple and drink immediately afterwards. Do this once a week to maintain good kidney performance and avoid bladder infections.
For stubborn coughs
In a juice extractor, prepare the juice of a peeled, medium sized raw potato and drink immediately afterwards.
Can't say it tastes delicious (YUK) but it is miraculously effective in clearing your lungs of phlegm. Do this twice a week only as it lowers your blood pressure. It is also effective in breaking up cellulite, but stick to twice a week at most.