Tuesday, October 20, 2009


All the ingredients for this mix are easily available to buy or they can be grown in a herb garden or window box. They are all associated with purification and cleansing. Use fresh herbs if possible.

2tsp organic oats
Small square of cotton muslin
7 basil leaves
3 bay leaves
3 sprigs of oregano
1 sprig of tarragon
Pinch rock or sea salt
Thread to secure

Pile the herbs in the centre of the muslin square, then add the oats.
Top with the salt, pick up the corners of the muslin and tie with thread. Hang the sachet from the bath tap so that the water is infused with the essence of the mixture.

This feathery herb, with its lovely aniseed aroma, will settle your digestion with ease.
For centuries people wanting to lose weight and stay young ate fennel seeds, however, fennel seeds are most effective as a digestive – settling the stomach, relieving colic and wind, and easing indigestion and heartburn. You can also boost your appetite by chewing some seeds before a meal.

Fennel is also antispasmodic and diuretic (releasing excess fluid from the body). Apply the cooled tea to your skin to help to reduce wrinkles. If you are breastfeeding, fennel will help to increase milk production.
NB: do not take fennel if you suffer from epilepsy or during early pregnancy. Check before giving fennel to children