Sunday, December 17, 2006

Essential oils may be used to treat insomnia effectively. The most popular oils for this treatment are Chamomile or Lavender.

These may be used in baths and by using a few drops on the pillow
or bed sheets.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Versatile Apples
Dry hands
Cut an apple in four pieces and remove the seeds. Sqweeze a clove into each quarter then place the apple pices into a bowl with rose water. Leave overnight. on the following day, boil the mixture for 10 minutes, remove the cloves and puree the apple.

Add a little flour to the puree and make a paste then smear on your hands. Wash your hands after half an hour.

Blue / bruised eyes
Grate an apple and apply to the eye area as a compress.

Algumas dicas em Portugues

Para a rouquidao
Descasque uma maca e coza-a em meio litro de agua. Filtre o liquido e adoce-o com mel. Beba antes de deitar. Com a polpa, faca um pure que come no dia seguinte de manha.

As macas reinetas assadas no forno com casca tambem ajudam com a rouquidao.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Dental Hygiene with lemon juice

To improve your breath, make a gargle with 1 glass of warm water and the juice of one lemon and gargle with this mixture.

To eliminate tartar and clean stained teeth, make a paste with extra-fine clay and lemon juice and use it twice a week by smearing it over your teeth.
Remember to rinse well with clear water afterwards.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Flower Therapy
Sunflower Bath
To find the correct person to share your life with, try a sunflower bath.

The flowers must be dried and ground and this mixture must be kept for a whole year in a large glass jar.
At bath time, using hot water, spread the ground petals on the water and leave to stand for 5 minutes, then get into the bath.
Best day to do this is on a Monday.
Time best suited is between 7 and 9 o'clock.
This ritual is ideal for people who have had various failed relationships and who wish to stabilize their emotional lives.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Jasmine is an evergreen creeper with pink or white flowers. It is hardy and prefers full sun and gives off an amazing scent.

Jasmine oil is used as a nerve sedative in Aromatherapy and it is at the same time uplifting. It also promotes the flow of breast milk and is of good value when used for ante and post natal massaging.

Jasmine is excellent when used in treating ailments of the respiratory tract. It also helps to prevent scarring and increases the elasticity of the skin.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Fight Insomnia with vegetable Juice

Can't get to sleep? Try this vegetable juice:

In a juice extractor, place two or three carrots and one leek.
Drink the juice immediately after it has been extracted.
Enjoy a peaceful sleep.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Jasmine Tea
Jasmine flowers are used in China and India to scent other teas by mixing a few Jasmine flowers in the tea container.

This shrub flowers all year round and these flowers are particularly good in scenting green tea and this is taken for eye and ear infections as well as to lower blood pressure.

For a good jasmine tea, add 6 flowers to 1 cup of boiling water and leave to stand for 5 minutes, then add a dash of lemon juice and sip slowly. Take for depression, tension, anxiety and indigestion.
Avoid during pregnancy

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Green Tea (Camellia Sinensis)
Originated in China and India, green tea has been taking off lately, well known for its slimming properties. It has been proven that it accelerates the metabolism, and helps to burn body fat.
The substances present in this plant, dissolve fat and are successful in the fight against cellulite and fixed fats. It is also rich in anti-oxidants, and fights against premature aging, rich in tanin which reduces content of bad cholesterol and strengthens the arteries.

The leaves of Camellia Sinensis are dried straight after being picked
and pass through the heat avoiding fermentation. It should be kept in a fresh place, at the time of making the tea, boil the water first, then place the tea leaves in the tea pot away from the stove and allow to stand for 5 minutes to infuse. Drink as is with no sugar for best results.

You may drink up to 4 cups a day in order to burn up to 5% of calories taken in that day.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

This herb fights anemia and has a high content of phosphorus, iron and phosphates, which favour coagulation of the blood.
It is highly advisable in pregnancies especially towards the end. Its juice is taken as soon as it is extracted.

To fights coughs and bronchitis, make a syrup by squeezing the watercress with honey and lemon, lightly warmed.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Brighten up that smile naturally

Chew on a few sage leaves daily and as they protect your teeth and gums.

Rub the rind of a lemon over your teeth two or three times per week to eliminate stains left on your teeth by tobacco and coffee.

Strawberry juice lightens your teeth.Drink it on an empty stomach keeping it in your mouth and swirling it around for a few seconds before swallowing.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Rose Hand Treatments
Gardening and domestic chores can take their toll on unprotected hands. They can become rough and sore, and the skin may appear leathery and that is where roses come to the rescue:

Rose infusion
Place a handful of rose petals in a bowl and cover with 600ml boiling water. Allow to stand for 30 minutes, pour in 2 tablespoons of vodka, then strain.

Rose hand mask
Mix 3 tbsp of medium / fine oatmeal, 2 tbsp rose infusion, 1 tsp almond oil, 1 tsp lemon juice and 1 tsp glycerine in a bowl until you get a paste. Spread it on the back of your hands and fingers and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse off with water and apply the hand lotion.

Rose Hand lotion
Mix a half tbsp glycerine 2 tbsp rose infusion and 2 tsp triple distilled rosewater. Add 2 tsp cornflour and beat until incorporated into the liquid.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

This is a very versatile fruit. The Indians in California used the leaves to envelop the meat hours before cooking it as a meat tenderiser. This process turns the meat so tender that it practically flakes off its fibres.

This fruit aids digestion enormously, is diuretic and also acts as a natural laxative. Eaten first thing in the morning, acts against diabetes and asthma. It is also effective as a blood cleanser. In China the pulp is dried and used to reduce swelling in the feet.

Algumas dicas em Portugues sobre a papaia

Nas Antilhas prepara-se um xarope do sumo de papaia madura cozida com bastante acucar, no forno. este xarope e usado para tosse de tuberculosos em ultimo grau. Toam-se varias colheres por dia para este fim.

Este fruto maduro, esfregado sobre a pele tira as manchas e suaviza a cutis aspera eliminando tambem rugas.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Head Massage with aromatic oils

Before you shampoo your hair, give yourself a head massage with essential oils.

To relax: try a blend of jasmine or ylang ylang

For energy: Try mint or citrus
Massage for a few moments then shampoo as normal.
Head Massage with aromatic oils

Before you shampoo your hair, give yourself a head massage with essential oils.

To relax: try a blend of jasmine or ylang ylang

For energy: Try mint or citrus
Massage for a few moments then shampoo as normal.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Apples to reduce fever
Grate an apple finely then spread it 0.5 inch thick on a mall piece of double layered cheesecloth
about 6 inches in length.

Apply this over the forehead to reduce fever. you can make a similar poultice for the throat and chest area if required. Allow to stand for one hour.

Para inflamacao dos pes (pe de atleta)
30 dentes de alho
4 colheres de cha de canela moida
4 colheres de cha de cravinhos moidos
150ml vodka

Junte o alho com canela, e cravinhos a vodka num frasco de cor escura com tampa. feche bem e guarde num armario onde nao penetre a luz do sol. por duas semanas. e agitando o conteudo de dois em dois dias. Esta tintura estara pronta para usar ao fim de 14 dias.

Use num pouco de algodao ou num pano e passe esta tintura na sola do pe inteira e tambem entre os dedos dos pes. Use duas vezes por dia. Deixe secar. Se por acaso os sintomas continuarem ao fim de duas semanas, consulte o medico.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

The Hangover cure bath
Citrus fruits can help you feel human again after a hangover strikes.
Use 3 lemons or 1 large grapefruit

Slice the lemons or grapefruit and steep the slices of fruit in a bowl of hot water and then add this water to your bath.

you may also add the zest of lemons or grapefruit to your bath water.

Another quick way to cure a hangover is by making a banana milkshake sweetened with honey. The banana calms the stomach, and with the help of the honey, builds up depleted blood sugar levels, while the milk soothes and re-hydrates your system.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

This herb is excellent for any digestive disorders as the menthol in it stimulates the digestive juices.
Sip a cup of this aromatic tea made with 1/4 cup of fresh leaves to a cup of boiling water, cover and allow to stand for 10 minutes. This tea is good in cases of flatulence, colitis, indigestion and diarrhoea. Also good for nausea, it acts as a mild anaesthetic on the stomach wall, helping with the queasy feeling.

Mint is also an effective anti-spasmodic for period pains, irritable bowel syndrome and stomach cramps.

You may also try a combination of almond oil with 2 drops of peppermint oil and rub over your stomach in circular motion. This is also good for painful joints.

To relieve nasal, chest and sinus congestion, try peppermint oil as an inhalant. Place a drop of the oil at the base of your nose or on your upper lip to clear a stuffy nose. Alternatively, put a few drops into a basin of hot water , stand over it, covering your head with a towel in a tent fashion and inhale the menthol vapour. For stubborn coughs, rub a drop of peppermint oil directly onto your throat.

When suffering from cold sores, dab a drop of the oil on the affected area and the antiviral effect should clear it up in no time.

For headaches and migraines, rub a drop of peppermint oil on each temple if the headache is at the front of the head and at the base of the skull if the headache is at the back of the neck.

This oil can also be used as a pain reliever for toothaches. Mix a bit of the oil with olive oil, rub a piece of cotton wool in it and hold it next to the aching tooth.

Add a few drops of peppermint oil to your bath water for a circulation boost.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Soothe roughened skin
After the dry season, your elbows, knees and feet could do with extra care.
Use a pumice stone in a circular motion to get rid of the layers of dead skin. Afterwards, apply a massage of rosemary oil.

you may also apply a mixture of camomile to which you've added a few drops of orange oil, this is also used as a cuticle remover.

For a moisturising skin milk use 50g of cucumber juice, 50 teaspoons of water and 50 teaspoons of skimmed milk. Keep in a glass bottle, in the refrigerator and shake well before use.
Algumas dicas com eucalipto, para os Portugueses

A parte usada com frequencia sao as folhas. Seque-as e conserve em frascos de vidro.
Bronquite e asma
Junte folhas de eucalipto, farfaro e tomilho em partes iguais. Use duas colherinhas em 2.5 colheres de cha de agua, deixe repousar durante 15 minutos, filtre e beba em pequenos goles durante o dia.

Vias respiratorias
Ferva uma mao cheia de folhas de eucalipto em um litro de agua durante 5 minutos. Junte este preparado ao banho quente. Os vapores que se desprendem ajudam a fazer a desobstrucao das vias respiratorias.

Infeccoes da boca e mau halito
Ferva 15g de folhas de eucalipto num litro de agua durante 3 minutos, filtre e conserve num frasco de vidro. bocheche com este liquido 4 vezes ao dia.

Aplique uma infusao de folhas de eucalipto na ultima passagem de enxaguamento e o seu cabelo ficara com um brilho espectacular.

Inale 3 vezes ao dia uma infusao de 5g de eucalipto num litro de agua a qual se acrescentam 5 gotas de oleo essencial de eucalipto.

Friday, July 28, 2006

There are many uses for this fruit and its leaves.

As a diuretic
Prepare an infusion with dried leaves by addind a dessert spoon of dried leaves per cup of boiling water. Leave it covered for 10 minutes. Drink it in small sips and you may drink up to 4 cups per day. Stop this treatment as soon as your symptoms subside.

To treat diabetes, drink the above infusion 4 to 6 times per day.

To treat fevers
Make an infusion with 40 to 80g of fresh leaves per litre of water, drink throughout the day in small sips.

For inflammations in the mouth
Mash a few blackberries to remove the juice then add a little water and use as a mouth wash.

As amoras para a tosse

Para fazer um xarope de amoras, esmague bem algumas amoras negras e recolha o maximo liquido possivel delas, depois coloque num recipiente de vidro. Junte acucar com o dobro do peso do sumo e aqueca em lume brando, quando esta mistura adquirir a consistencia de xarope retira-se do lume, deixa-se arrefecer e guarda-se num frasco de vidro bem fechado, num local frio e escuro. Toma-se uma colher de sopa de xarope de tres em tres horas.
Para as inflamacoes da garganta, junta-se 2 colheres de cha do xarope com agua morna e fazem-se gargarejos com esta mistura.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Herbal hair rinses

Rosemary for dark hair

Infuse 40g fresh rosemary in 1 litre of boiling water in a bowl for 1 hour and then strain.

Chamomile for fair hair

Infuse 25g dried chamomile in 1 litre boiling water in a large bowl for 1 hour and then strain.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

This fruit is a powerhouse in monounsaturated fats, proteins and vitamins E and C which are antioxidants protecting the body from free readicals that cause deterioration and aging.
One avocado a day gives you the essential vitamin E for boosting energy levels and strengthening the immune system. The vitamin C content has numerous benefits such as, cold prevention, and stress reduction. Both the vitamins found in this fruit complement each other, fortifying the other's effect on the system.

Para os Portugueses...

A pera abacate e muito importante na dieta de um diabetico, pois sao aconselhados a cortar no colesterol. Este fruto ajuda a manter os niveis de glucose no sangue.
Metade de uma pera abacate tem aproximadamente 160 calorias, o que a faz uma grande aliada em dietas e contem fibras necessarias ao sistema para eliminar gorduras excessivas.
A pera abacate esta associada a prevencao de doencas cardiovasculares, obesidade, diabetes, alguns tipos de cancro e tensao alta.

Sweet Potatoes
Rich in Vitamins A, C and E, antioxidants that help prevent heart disease and cancer, the sweet potato boosts the immune system and slows down the ageing process promoting sharp vision and healthy skin.

Its essential nutrients include vitamin B6, potassium and iron, dietary fibre helps to promote a healthy digestive tract, best results obtained when eaten with the skin.
Their most attractive trait is that they are virtually fat free, no cholesterol and low sodium levels with only 500KJ per one and a half cups of boiled sweet potatoes, making them one of the dieter's best friends, not to mention the fact that they're healthy too.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

This crystal is associated with the heart chakra and so can bring calm responses thus avoiding overreaction. It also enhances the feminine energies within the sacral and crown centres, receptivity, intuition, sensitivity, emotional balance and psychic abilities. On the physical level, it aids the pituitary gland function, hormonal conditions and menstrual problems.

As with other sacral stones, moonstones support new beginnings. As it is a stone of lunar energy, it is beneficial to the unsettled, insecure and the ones given to mood swings. Its energy brings with it, the understanding that what we yearn for, is often not what we really want. It balances desire levels bringing the wearer into a positive frame of mind. It may be used as a complementary stone draining lower energies from all the chakras.

It is also very beneficial for eye, hair and skin imbalances and is excellent in a detox programme or phase, as it cleanses through its antiseptic vibrations.

Being a fertility stone, it is excellent for stimulation and conception supporting the female hormone energies.

Algumas dicas para os Portugueses
Este fruto e bastante rico em ferro, por isso ajuda em casos de anemia. Sendo tambem bastante rico em potassio e com baixo teor de sal, a banana torna-se numa forte aliada contra doencas de tensao e tromboses.

A banana ajuda tambem com prisao de ventre pois contem muita fibra. Tambem e boa aliada contra ressacas, tomando um milkshake feito com banana, leite e adocado com mel. A banana acalma o estomago e com a ajuda do mel, aumenta os niveis de acucar no sangue enquanto o leite hidrata e alivia o sistema.

Este fruto tem efeitos antiacidos no corpo de maneira que se sofrer de azia coma uma banana para aliviar o estomago.
Comer bananas entre as refeicoes tambem ajuda contra os enjoos matinais pois este fruto mantem o nivel de acucar no sangue e assim evita os enjoos.

Se for atacado por mosquitos, use a parte de dentro da casca da banana para esfregar na pele, reduz o inchaco e irritacao na pele causados pelas mordidelas de mosquitos.
A banana acalma o sistema nervoso, devido ao seu alto teor de vitamina B.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Juicing - The healthy alternative

Anti Celulite
Apples and pineapples are great allies in this fight due to their detox properties and also by cleaning the lymphatic system.
In a juice extractor, mix 1/3 pineapple, 1 apple and a small piece of shredded ginger. This helps remove the excess water found just under the skin. Do not add any sugar.

Green Aventurine

This crystal is often used on the heart chakra and it is said to relieve anxiety and to calm one's
emotional states. It is also thought to be a lucky stone in gambling, it attracts opportunities and enhances one's creativity and leadership qualities.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

As this herb is known to improve the blood flow to the brain, it is thought to aid memory.
Make an infusion using a sprig of the fresh herb per cup of boiling water. This tea may also be used in the bath to soothe and energise aching muscles after a tiring day.

If you have high blood pressure, avoid rosemary.


This crystal brings added zest to sensitive people, aids clarity of thought and expression and opens new avenues, frees emotion and daily stress and develops self-love and confidence.

It attracts light, hope and abundance.

It is a good crystal to use on the third chakra, the solar plexus.

Umas dicas para os portugueses

A Canela

A canela tem um efeito relaxante no estomago e estimula o fluxo sanguineo, por isso se torna benefica para mulheres com periodos fracos e dolorosos.

Para fazer uma infusao de canela, use 2.5cm de pau de canela quebrado, numa chavena de cha com agua a ferver e uma rodela de limao. Cubra e deixe por 10 minutos, depois adicione 1 colher de sopa de mel se dejar, para adocar.

Tome duas chavenas por dia ao aparecerem os primeiros sintomas de um resfriado ou para aliviar as dores menstruais.

Como ha pessoas com alergia a esta especiaria, tome com cautela.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Lemon Thyme
Thyme is one of Nature's antibiotics. At the outset of colds and flu, make an infusion with half a cup of fresh herbs to a cupful of boiling water, cover and stand for 10 minutes, then add a tablespoon of honey and drink while warm. It aids with coughs, too.

This herb also boosts the immune system. Eat it with your meat dishes, use it in marinades for beef and pork dishes, it adds a great lemon aroma and herby flavour to your roast meat dishes.

Saturday, June 17, 2006


Para ajudar a prevenir contra a osteoporose, coma ananas.

O sumo extraido deste fruto ajuda tambem a combater a pedra nos rins e infeccoes da bexiga.

Para aliviar resfriados / gripes

O mais importante nestes casos e estimular o corpo a curar por si proprio pois nao existe cura imediata.
- Ao primeiro sinal de uma gripe, diminua a quantidade de alimento ou ate elimine por umas 24 horas.
- Tome um banho de sais de Epsom e aumente os liquidos, bebendo mais agua e cha de serpao de limao ou de gengibre com mel, que ajuda a limpar as vias respiratorias.
- Descanse bastante, nem que fique de cama um ou dois dias.
- Evite acucar, pois este bloqueia o sistema imunologo. Durante uma gripe evite o sumo de laranja devido ao alto nivel de acucar nesta fruta. Opte pelo sumo de limao misturado com agua morna e um pouco de mel.
- Tome cha de echinacia durante o dia, pois e a melhor erva para as gripes. Embora nao elimine os microbios, ela estimula a producao de celulas brancas acelerando o seu crescimento e aumentando a sua eficacia no local onde lutam com os microbios. Tambem pode tomar este cha em quantidades menores quando ao seu redor houver muitas pessoas com gripe, para aumentar a sua imunidade.

The juice of quince is good for infectious fevers and chronic diaorreia for tuberculosis. The quince is an excellent source of food and medicine in one, use a syrup made in bain-marie with 30g of
quince juice and 60g of sugar.

A mash made with cooked quince may be applied on external hemorroids to alleviate them.
An infusion made with the leaves also helps in cases of diaorreia, and to lower blood pressure.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Camomila (Matricaria recutita)

A camomila tem varios usos na medicina domestica, tais como:

- acalma tensao nervosa,
- ajuda a prevencao de nausea,
- acalma problemas digestivos, ulceras e inflamacoes,
- cha de camomila feito com sete flores para 1 chavena, promove um sono restaurador,
- usado em feridas e eczemas, o oleo e analgesico e ajuda com a restauracao das celulas
- para a sinosite, prepare um recipiente com agua a ferver e flores de camomila e respire os vapores.

Lemon Balm (Melissa Officinalis)
A great anti-stress herb, used in infusions, best as fresh leaves in the quantity of a third cup of leaves to a full cup of boiling water, cover and allow to infuse for 10 minutes before drinking.
Taken as is, is a very pleasant tea hot or as an iced tea, but if you prefer, add a little honey to


It calms one in times of stress and helps one to cope better.
It also assists with sleeping disorders caused by stress and anxiety.

It aids digestion by reducing stress blockages retained in the stomach area, relaxing stomach muscles so normal digestion may take its course.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Sais de Epsom

Os sais de Epsom usados no banho ajudam a transpiracao, e retiram o excesso de acido do corpo, em especial o acido urico, pelos poros . Tudo isto ajuda a abrandar a dor. Ajuda tambem a reduzir o estresse e tambem pode eliminar uma gripe quando usado no inicio desta.

Para preparar um banho de sais de Epsom:

Use 450g de sais na agua quente do banho, sem usar sabao pois interfere com o efeito dos sais. Relaxe na agua durante 15 minutos e depois friccione bem o corpo com uma toalha tendo o cuidado de nao apanhar correntes de ar. Descanse durante duas horas apos o banho para dar tempo ao corpo para desintoxicar.

Se padecer de artrite devera ter o cuidado de exercitar os membros o mais possivel para prevenir contra congestao nas juntas dos ossos. Pessoas com idade mais avancada devem comecar com 100g de sais ate o corpo poder tolerar quantidades maiores de sais.

Treat your smile

To remove stains on your teeth caused by coffee or tobacco, rub the skin of lemons on your teeth 2 or 3 times per week.

The juice of strawberries whitens your teeth. Drink the juice on an empty stomach, allowing it to swirl in you mouth for a few seconds before swallowing it.

Chewing a few sage leaves daily, protects your gums and teeth.

Clear eyes

To add a little sparkle to your eyes, drink lemon juice mixed with warm water daily, on an empty stomach, for a week.

Eat foodstuffs rich in vitamin C, like chicory, spinach, carrots and parsley.

Oily hair

Make a final rinse with 1 cup of water to a tablespoon of apple cider.

Sunday, June 04, 2006


For inflammations, catarrh and bronchitis, boil 5 or 6 large ripe figs cut in pieces, and the same amount of raisins in a litre of water.

Figs also help with kidney and liver ailments.

For dandruff, use dry figs, salt and vinegar in a food processor and apply to the scalp.

The liquid left from processing the figs, is good for skin marks on the face. Place a fig in vinegar and apply to age spots each morning until these disappear.

Prickly Pears // Figos da India
To combat asthma and other respiratory ailments, eat them roasted in the oven.

The juice is used for cough syrup by peeling a few pears taking care to avoid the thorns on the skin. Cut in slices and place in a dish, cover with sugar and allow to stand overnight. In the morning strain to remove the seeds and take in spoonfuls during the day.

As folhas dos figos da India cortam-se ao meio e cobrem-se com acucar, dao um bom xarope para a tosse.

Em casos de inflamacao ou inchacos pode aplicar-se directamente sobre as partes afetadas, uma folha cortada ao meio. Estas plantas, em decoccao, tem efeitos diureticos, aumentam a quantidade de urina, e como tambem aumentam a alcalinidade da mesma, sao uteis nos casos de inflamacao de bexiga e da uretra diminuindo a sensacao de ardor na cistite e uretrite.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Rose Quartz
This crystal aids emotional balance, and also for
soothing and expressing your emotions. The colour
of unconditional love, good to use in radiation
areas such as next to computers and microwaves. Use on dressing tables, it calms, soothes and brings one to a serene love state.

It supports love involving others as well as self-love. It balances the emotional and physical bodies by healing past wounds. For anxiety, use directly over the area of the heart.

For a good tonic to drink, combine rose quartz, amethyst and clear quartz in charged water leave to stand for 24 hours.


Os cristais apresentam uma grande variedade de tamanhos, cores e feitios. Todos os cristais sao organismos vivos, fazem parte dos minerais e crescem na natureza.

Os cristais vibram com a sua propria frequencia e esta mesma frequencia determina qual cristal ira escolher em certa epoca da sua vida. Os gostos mudam de acordo com diferentes circunstancias da sua jornada.

Para limpar o chakra do coracao e melhorar a interacao dos outros chakras, use o quartzo rosa, que abre o chakra do coracao para dar e receber o amor incondicional. Este cristal e bom para resolver problemas a nivel emocional.

Used in curries to give them their yellow colour, it is also used in Hindu culture to paint their faces to give them an added glow.
Turmeric is known to support liver function and help keep bile soluble which can aid in preventing and treating gall stones.

It has also been known to reduce colon cancer cell growth and to suppress tumour growth.

As turmeric has similar anti-inflammatory properties to ginger, it is helpful for osteoarthritis and has thus pain-killing effects, it can also help sufferers of rheumatoid arthritis.

Saturday, May 27, 2006


Apples are blood cleansers. Apple cures help to eliminate gout and rheumatism. This fruit, whether raw or roasted, helps with tuberculosis, bronchitis and asthma, thanks to its high iron content.

Apple broth cures lung catahrr. In general, apples help with respiratory tract infections.
Hot boiled or roasted apples are also a powerful ally against hoarse throats.

To cure eye inflammations, wash them twice a day with cotton wool dabbed in bitter apple juice.
For this purpose you may also use a poultice made with grated apples over closed eyelids for an hour.

Para os Portugueses..
A maca assada e excelente para fortalecer o cerebro, bem como para combater a pneumonia, a bronquite e as tosses rebeldes, casos em que se come todos os dias em jejum pela manha.

Contra a rouquidao e as gripes, recheia-se a maca com mel de abelhas.

A cura de maca sera capaz de vencer os desarranjos do aparelho digestivo, purifica o organismo, desinfeta e cura sem prejudicar.

Monday, May 22, 2006


Lemon juice mixed with water & sugar gives us a refreshing
drink, the lemonade, so popular in warmer climates.
Lemonades are refreshing, stimulate the kidneys, clean the intestines and
are extraordinarily good for the liver, also recommended for gout and
bladder conditions.
The fruit may also be applied to ulcers and seriously infected wounds.

O limao e riquissimo em acido citrico e tambem um antiseptico seguro contra a fermentacao do estomago e intestinos.
Destroi os microbios e cria um ambiente invulneravel aos germes. Ajuda tambem a combater as gripes devido ao seu grande teor de vitamina C.

O limao e util em casos de reumatismo, escorbuto e hipertensao arterial. Possui propriedades antidiarreticas, antifebris e antisepticas.

Blue Crystals

Blue Celestite is one of the expansive crystals and one of its properties, is that it restores the faith in yourself, giving you the
confidence to move forward, showing you new ways for you to reach your objectives.

Hold a blue celestite crystal in your dominant hand whilst meditating and absorb its healing energy and guidance.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

In days gone by, honey was consumed as a promoter of longevity.
Pythagoras was an avid fan of honey and lived to the age of ninety, the ancient Romans sweetened everything with honey even their wine. They loved honeyed wine.
With the invention of cane sugar, the consumption of honey as a daily foodstuff, declined considerably to man's own detriment as the benefits offered by honey are by far superior to those of cane sugar.

Some of its benefits are listed hereunder:

- It is a natural detergent on the skin and healing wounds.
- It is diuretic, laxative, relaxant, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, liver conditions, intestinal problems, ulcers, infectious disease, chest remedy, cleans the blood and a good tonic for the brain.
- It is a powerful sedative for the system and promotes a restful sleep.
- A hot compress of honey has good results with abcesses, boils and tumours.
- A mixture of honey with clay and grated onion, is a remedy without rival for tumours.
- Ulcers and wounds benefit from compresses of honey with flour.

E para os Portugueses aqui vao umas dicas sobre o mel para adicionar as que estao mencionadas acima:
- O mel e uma fonte de potassio e por este motivo as bacterias nao resistem na sua presenca assim ajudando nas infeccoes
- Em casos de inflamacao dos musculos do coracao, nas doencas febris, como a difteria, o mel age com eficiencia.
- O mel e um poderoso suprimento para o coracao sadio e da forcas ao coracao doente, e tem accao benefica em caso de hipertensao arterial.
- Em caso de dispepsia, o mel auxilia a digestao.
- O mel e fortificante, laxante, digestivo e de facil digestao para os estomagos fracos e nao prejudica os dentes.
- A bronquite, a asma e a rouquidao encontram no mel um remedio excelente.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Cherries and their medicinal uses

Cherries are well known for their action in neutralising the acid in the system. Eating about a kilo of cherries exclusively, will transform uric acid radically and eliminate it from the urine.

This fruit is also indicated for treatment of rheumatism, gout and arthritis, also showing good results with liver conditions, and intestinal problems.

Bitter cherries are adstringent, whereas the sweet ones are laxative.

a cherry decoction made by bruising the cherries with their pips and cooking them in water, then straining and drinking several cups a day, will eliminate kidney and bladder stones.

Black cherries are especially effective against anaemia.

An infusion made with the stalks of cherries is very effective in the treatment of cystitis, and other bladder infections, drink several cups of this tea a day until the condition subsides.

Varios usos para os seus Cristais

Nao descuidando a limpeza e energizacao dos seus cristais, aqui seguem algumas dicas para usa-los

Em banhos de imersao

Escolha os cristais de acordo com suas propriedades, e coloque na banheira, depois e so relaxar e banhe-se durante o tempo que desejar.

Uso pessoal

Escolha um cristal pequeno coloque-o em uma saquinha de veludo e traga-o sempre consigo nao descuidando da sua limpeza e energizacao.

Energizacao de plantas

Coloque o cristal junto da raiz da planta a ser energizada, nao sendo necessario enterra-lo para este efeito.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Para dores de cabeca

Misture 1 colher de cha de cada um :
Cravinho moido
Canela moida
amendoa moida
misture com um pouco de agua de forma a formar uma pasta consistente. Com as pontas dos dedos, passe esta pasta na testa. Quando a pasta secar, deixe por mais 15 minutos e depois lave com agua morna.

Outra receita para o mesmo efeito e aplicada da mesma forma e a seguinte:
Misture 1/4 colher de cha de cravinho moido com 1 colher de cha de oleo essencial de canela. Aplique na parte da cabeca onde a dor esta localizada.

For colds and coughs:

- In a 1/2 cup of warm water, mix 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of honey. Drink several times a day.

- Mix a teaspoon of grated ginger and half a teaspoon of honey. Add a teaspoon of warm water and ingest three times a day.

For earache
Put three drops of clove oil in the affected ear.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Healing with Crystals

Amethysts, being transformational crystals, purify the physical and subtle bodies and thus amplify healing and spiritual energies.

They break down blocked energies that may be the cause of pain and are especially effective with headaches. They relieve tension and stress , aiding in a more restful sleep.