Saturday, April 22, 2006

Ginger Baths
Rheumatism and Arthritis sufferers can take comfort from the use of Ginger.
It is a proven anti-inflammatory and helps to ease painful joints and muscle tissue. Try a revitalizing ginger bath which also boosts circulation.
Cut a slice or two of fresh ginger, add to boiling water and steep for 10 minutes. Pour it into the bath water. Should you be using powdered ginger, add one or two tablespoons to your bath.

Bay Leaves
Add a sprig or two to your bath water to ease muscle aches. These leaves have astringent and antiseptic qualities. Soak fresh bay leaves in a litre of boiling water, allow to coolthen use as a facial rinse.

Lemon Balm
Use as a tea for colds and influenza, nervous tension, insomnia, indigestion and other stomach problems. t is a gentle restorer of balance and harmony.

Rose scented geraniums
Rub your furniture with handfuls of rose scented geranium leaves and fill the room with fragrance.

A cup of hot sage tea will quell a sore, dry throat.

Para os Portugueses...

Para limpar os rins e bexiga, use 500g de uvas pretas(sementes tambem) com uma fatia grande de melancia no liquidificador, a melancia e diuretica e assim beneficiara da limpeza das vias urinarias.

Sumo de limao
Tradicionalmente, o sumo de limao, agua quente e uma colher de cha de mel sao usados como cura de gripes, obesidade e prisao de ventre.

Raiz com poderosos efeitos sobre varias condicoes.
O cha feito com gengibre e uma boa forma de transpirar e eliminar uma febre causada por gripe e ajuda tambem a eliminar o catarro e a tosse.