Saturday, April 08, 2006

Um grande abraco para os Portugueses e aqui vao algumas dicas

Para as afeccoes da bexiga/ rins
Espargos brancos
Para ajudar a limpar efectivamente os rins e bexiga, deve comer espargos brancos enlatados pois fazem efeito mais rapido do que os frescos. Uma lata por semana sera o suficiente para manter os rins em boa forma.

O sumo de ananas extraido numa cetrifugadora tambem sera uma boa dica para infeccoes da bexiga.

Voltarei amanha com mais dicas

Kidney and Bladder infections

Cornhair /Beard
Place a loose handful of cornhair (the hair found around the corn just under the outer skin) in a teapot and fill with boiling water, cover and allow to stand for at least ten minutes then strain and drink as is, without any sugar, preferably on an empty stomach.

Cherry stalks and roots of strawberry bushes
Make an infusion as above using about 1/2 cup of stalks and roots.

All the above may be used fresh or in dried form.

When drying herbs or roots, place them loosely on a tray and leave in a dark, well ventilated, dry place until dried.