Saturday, April 01, 2006

Ginger, the healing root
How to make Ginger drinks

For a cup of tea:
Grate a tbsp of fresh peeled ginger into a cup. Cover with boiling water & allow to steep for 10 minutes, thereafter add 1 tsp of honey and lemon to taste, if desired.

For a pot of tea:
Cut 3 slices of unpeeled fresh ginger & pop them into a teapot, cover with boiling water & leave for 10 minutes before drinking.

Ginger juice:
Scrape the skin of a 3-4 cm section of fresh ginger, chop into pieces & blend in an electric blender with a glass of cold water. Strain & drink.

For stomach aches, indigestion, flatulence, heartburn and menstrual cramps, a cup of ginger tea will provide relief. It increases your digestive juices which absorb & eliminate toxins, decreasing stomach acidity.

For morning sickness, drink ginger juice or tea first thing in the morning.

At the first sign of a sore throat, headache, sinusitis, running nose, colds or flu, drink a few cups of ginger tea, as it fights bacteria infections.